The Cat O' Nine Tails (1971)

The Cat O' Nine Tails (1971)

Released: 21 May 1971

Duration: 1h 52mins

Budget: $1,000,000

Genres: Horror, Mystery, Thriller

Starring: James Franciscus, Karl Malden, Catherine Spaak, Pier Paolo Capponi

An unknown individual breaks into the Terzi Medical Institute but apparently takes nothing. Calabresi, one of the Institute doctors, confides to his fiancée, Bianca Merusi, that he knows who broke into the Institute and why. He attempts to blackmail the individual, but the thief pushes him in front of an arriving train, killing him. A paparazzi photographer captures Calibresi's fall, but not the killer, on film. Reporter Carlo Giordani has been covering the break-in investigation and writes an article about Calabresi's death, including the photo. Franco "Cookie" Arnò, a middle-aged blind man who himself was once an ace reporter, and his niece Lori visit Carlo after reading the article. ...more on Wikipedia

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