Flags of Our Fathers (2006)

Flags of Our Fathers (2006)

Released: 20 October 2006

Duration: 2h 15mins

Budget: $90,000,000

Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama

Starring: Ryan Phillippe, Barry Pepper, Joseph Cross, Jesse Bradford

Official Website

As three US servicemen – Marine Private First Class Ira Hayes, Private First Class Rene Gagnon, and Navy Pharmacist's Mate 2nd Class John "Doc" Bradley – are feted as heroes in a war bond drive, they reflect on their experiences via flashback. After training at Camp Tarawa in Hawaii, the 28th Marine Regiment 5th Marine Division sails to invade Iwo Jima. The Navy bombards suspected Japanese positions for three days. Sergeant Mike Strank is put in charge of Second Platoon. ...more on Wikipedia

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