The Battle of Canudos (1997)

The Battle of Canudos (1997) - Movies Similar to While at War (2019)

Released: 3 October 1997

Duration: 2h 50mins

Budget: $6,000,000

Genres: Drama, History, War

Starring: José Wilker, Cláudia Abreu, Paulo Betti, Marieta Severo

Based on the true story of the tragic war of Canudos in the late 1890's. The newly born Republic has brought nothing but oppression and discomfort to the poor people of the rural areas of northeastern Brazil. The separation of church and state and the imposition of abusive taxes, among other measures, made this people think that the Republic was the Anti-Christ. Guided by a religious leader, Antonio "Conselheiro" (Counselor) a group of countrymen established a community where the Republic rules wouldn't bother them. But the Republic sent the Brazilian Army to destroy the settlement, starting the bloodiest war ever fought in Brazil.
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