52 Tuesdays (2013)
Released: 1 May 2014
Duration: 1h 54mins
Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Sam Althuizen, Imogen Archer, Del Herbert-Jane
Official Website
16-year-old Billie lives in suburban Australia. One of her parents comes out to her as a transgender man named James. Billie then learns that James wants Billie to live with her other parent, James's ex-husband Tom, for a year. This restricts the time Billie is together with James to Tuesdays from 16:00 - 22:00, starting on 23 August. The film is divided into the corresponding 52 segments, each covering one Tuesday, and starting with a title card showing the date.
Each Tuesday, after visiting James and before returning to Tom, Billie has secret encounters with two older students, Josh and Jasmine, in an apartment that her uncle Harry allows them to use. ...more on Wikipedia
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